Learning Minecraft Bedrock Protocol
Welcome! We are so glad you decided to learn Minecraft Bedrock protocol!
Here you can, and will, learn how MCBE protcol works! It all starts with the RakNet Protocol & NetherNet Protocol. From those, you recieve the Bedrock Protocol. This will guide you and give you proper and up-to-date documentation!
What is the difference between RakNet & NetherNet?
RakNet is the base transport layer, uses UDP, and is open source. NetherNet is a newer transport layer that is only used for Xbox Live sessions, uses WebRTC, and is built by Mojang (Which means it's not open source).
Is NetherNet replacing RakNet?
Not entirely, NetherNet is not meant to (and can't) replace all of RakNet. It is only used for LAN games, and any friend games (Xbox or In-Game) which both use to use RakNet.